Thursday, June 30, 2011
Societies : As I perceive
Go Green and sustain it...
Why DU doesn't need its own admission test

Saturday, June 25, 2011
The Lost 'Human' Status of Womankind
Her chin was bruised, her left eye was black…’what happened?’, someone asked…she bit her lower lip and said softly, ‘O, I just..Umm…fell off the stairs’
From the mighty queens the world-history talks of, to the modern-metro-woman; the fair sex has travelled a long way. Yet, each morning the paper brings in a new story, of how a woman was raped, physically abused or burnt alive somewhere or the other. The question is: ‘Has our society progressed culturally?’
It was only yesterday, when I read this grisly article about how a young girl, aged 18, was inflicted violence upon, for escaping from her husband’s house in Afghanistan. She pleaded and begged them to understand the fact that, had she not fled, she would have been killed. But her efforts were in vain. They sliced off her ears, smashed her nose, and left her on the mountainside to die. This does not date to long back, it occurred last year.
‘Concrete-encased high school girl murder’ was a 1988-89 incident in which a Japanese girl, Junko Furuta, 16 at that time, was murdered. For 44 days, she was assaulted, beaten with metal rods and golf sticks, put up with acids on her body, made to eat cockroaches, and drink her own urine by four boys. Finally, one day, death brought her solace. Her murderers continue to move freely even today.
Our own country too falls in line, where in one state, ‘didi’ is the new talk-of-the-town; the ‘Khap’ is (in) famous for the ‘Honor killings’ carried out in their states so as to prevent inter-caste marriages. Absurd, it is; despite the existence of several worldly laws for protection of their rights, an unimaginable number of women have been subjected to inhuman treatment. The laws have proved to be ineffective to the frontier.
What is most shocking is that, even today i.e. in the 21st century, the male-dominated society refuses to acknowledge ‘women’ as ‘humans’. The acts of violence range from battering assault, rape, female infanticide, female foeticide, dowry deaths, prostitution, trafficking, women being beaten in the suburbs, arrest of women searching their husbands and children, sexual assault of refugee and displaced women, abuses against women in custody, domestic violence, abuses against women workers and the list goes on….
The so called ‘weaker sex’ continues to be ‘a forced slave’ of man, not a willing one. ‘She’ is supposed to be calm, submissive and a meek individual. Women like Aisha and Furuta keep suffering all their lives, and many such incidents are lost without trace. The problem is in the core of all things; our values are going down the drain. What is the point of fancy growth rate figures, if basic human rights are snatched away?
The entire while in which I wrote this post, I kept thinking, whether it would serve a purpose at all. I couldn’t find an answer. But, why I continued is because John F. Kennedy once said,
““All this will not be finished in the first hundred days, nor will it be finished in the first thousand days, nor in the lifetime of this administration, nor perhaps during our lifetime on this planet Earth, but let us begin it…!!””
My Tryst With Physics
Smiles and sniffles inevitably make the fabric of life; unfortunately I get to see more of the latter. Everywhere I see glum people caught in a race of achieving something – something that even they are unaware of. There is greed, there is madness, and there is lust. But nowhere do I see celebration and laughter. Of course you would argue that I can’t see ‘abstract’ nouns, but feeling them too is a pearl out of reach.
When my teacher would rebuke - ‘What causes you to create that nuisance?’, ‘Genes’ would be honest reply. ‘Mam, I have inherited it from my parents, My dad’s laughter is audible in the entire locality and my mom can’t help controlling hers.’ The other day, one of our neighbours remarked, “So, you do yoga, I see”. Yes! Now we find laughing in yoga classes only.
It is ironic that today laughing is perceived as an art to be acquired by special training. There are laughter clubs and laughter shows to connect people to their civilizational roots. Even the Holy Koran enshrines, One who makes one’s friends laugh, deserves paradise. But considering the present situation, it seems paradise would be rotting empty.
Smiles and chuckles are the only means of expressing joy known to the present generation, guffaws and ‘thahaakas’ seem to have melted into thin air. Even laughter soaps are watched with emotionless brooding. Studies suggest that a child laughs on an average about 400 times a day whereas an adult laughs only 15 times. Among many things that are getting extinct today, belly-aching laughter is one. Smiles always help to shoo our blues since they have the instant quality of changing the very matrix of mind. Research suggests that laughter actually helps in losing weight and preventing obesity. Now before you start replacing dieting with laughing, one last thing.
Optimism and laughter are grease and glue of life. As someone whose Facebook status reads ‘ Jalnidh is happy being alive’ – I would say that I found one reason to be glad about –Life! Life is for living. We ought to live every moment to the fullest and experience la joie de vivre in every nerve and artery of our body. Let sorrows take wings and happiness stay. The show must go on…
America's Attic - Canada
- Sir Winston Churchill