Thursday, June 30, 2011

Societies : As I perceive

The word ‘society’ exists only as a mental concept, but in reality there exists only ‘individuals’…In the end it is the self-interest and not the common-interest.

Starting the college can be a little daunting if you are unable to figure out what to do with all the time you were going to have in your hands. After long lectures, listening to someone with a beard droning on how interesting statistics is or to someone who has resolved to beat the Shatabdi express, I had to figure out what to do and it was then that I came to know about societies. ‘Societies bring students with similar interests together, for instance, if you have an interest in economics, ecosoc is for you, if you can be dramatic, shakesoc will welcome you, so on and so forth…” This is what I was told. The entire first year of my undergraduation, I thought it was so true. Societies were a good way to improve campus experience. But, the circumstances changed the way I perceive societies.

Some societies in college is what can be called an ‘industrial’ society. There is a sharp sense of ‘individualism’. People ask ‘What’s there for me?’ ‘I, me and mine’ words dominate. ‘If I am not given a post, what’s the incentive to work?’ Worse is, ‘individualism’ marked with ‘groupism’. In some societies, the authority has been centered in the hands of a monopoly group who make decisions that is in their interest. Worst is, if you try to break this monopoly in order to make way for perfect competition, you’ll realize that you should have concentrated more in micro classes! Free entry of firms is very difficult in a monopoly!  

No longer I believe in societies bringing together people with a specific purpose, for if that was, then there will be a new society altogether! The root cause of all this is to make the CV’s look attractive. Most of us fail to understand that it is a strong academic profile with good test scores and grades and challenging courses which is far more important than holding a post in  so-called ‘societies’.

The only thing I am happy about being in a society is that it gave me an opportunity to meet people who helped me get the most out of my time and to make friendships that I hope will last for long.
If ever I feel that I am compromising with my academics because of the societies, I shall quit!


  1. I understand each word of this post, but my suggestion would be to not stop, instead work in a way that one day the society does stand for its purpose of doing 'meaningful work'. Those who try to modify are crushed, but at the end of the day, that isn't reason enough for people like u and me to give up. Rather it is an opportunity for us to take the change further, coz somebody great once said, 'However long the journey might be; it begins with a single step'. Hence, we shall continue doing what interests us, to develop the society into an interesting forum for those who look forward to joining it. We might fail, and in all probability, honestly, we will. But what i assure u is that u won't regret the year at the end, coz whatever u did was meaningful, and not just for the heck of it. What the society needs is people who can take it forward, the way it should go, and not the way it is currently!!

  2. Well, society for me is a means to escape from loneliness and boredom after classes. As far as 'meaningful work' is concerned anybody can do with or without being in a society if they want. And yes, you are correct when you say the above but the fact is, it is the 'meaningful work' that one will carry throughout his life and not the societies. Therefore academics first. At present, I have been able to manage both the things well, but the day I feel the imbalance, I wont put efforts to attain a balanced state. And I don't get this : "might fail, and in all probability,we will. " I quite can't get what does success mean to you? Is it improving the way the society works (note- the soc functioned really well last year.. thanks to some caring seniors.) or is to do 'meaningful work'? Moreover, you have mentioned 'journey', I would also like to know what according to you is the destination of this journey?

    p.s. If I remove two days from the last academic year, I would say the soc I am a part of was 'the best'. But unfortunately I can't!

  3. 'Might fail, and in all probability, we will' to bring about and sustain the change some of us desire to see in the society and its working. 'Success' to me means the end result(of doing something), which makes me happy, which gives me what i expected out of it, nothing else. And that can only happen, if we do 'meaningful' work. Also, once all the members begin doing work which is not just for the heck of it, the society shall automatically start working in a better and improved way, and this is the journey, its destination being that it one day can truly be called 'the best society', not just by u or me, but by all its members!!

    Hope i've made myself a little clear :)

  4. Hey Bhagwaan! log bhool gaye hai, so revise: karmanyevadhi kaa raste maa faleshu kadachana,
    ma karma fal hetur bhurma teh sangostwaa karmani..
    Societies Societies Socities, they are not an important part of my life, hence I am not going to talk about it... A new day has come!!!
