Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Funnynomics - Can you guess what is it?

HI. I know this is funny. There is a micro economic concept illustrated through the picture above, yes it makes perfect sense. Lets see if you can guess. Do give it a try. Good luck :)


  1. At the first look, it reminds me of the 'perfect complements indifference curve'...is it??

    PS:-Hope u do not put a limit on the no. of times one can make a guess!!

  2. I don't think it is perfect complements. I guess the chappals represent the abscissa and the ordinate. However a possibity is it represents the IC of good-bad where both goods initially and after certain quantity they become bad! Not a perfect ellipse, but those 4 lines forming a square kind of thing can be thought of in that way BUT IT'S NOT CLEAR.. or it can represent AR,MR and MC curves, Monopoly! ???

  3. NO limits on the no. of guesses...

  4. Okay This is funny but I think if you think on the very obvious lines, It is a perfect complements things... two sandals! so yeah...
    Also now I see people's comments,it does look like the two axis and a graph kinda thing, maybe the downward sloping linear graph, about the perfect complements. Either ways it's the same. Let me see if I can come with a better something!

  5. Now reading Priyanka's comment i feel its perfect complements.. first chappals are perfect complements and second, graph of perfect complements is L shaped.. hmmm..... good job, Suhani and Priyanka. My bad with it. :p .. . Suhani must have just seen the L shaped and concluded complements but Priyanka well done for observing that chappals are perfect complements.... It now makes perfect sense to me.. Once again, my bad with it. :(

  6. Bravo! You guys guessed it right - the left chappal and the right chappal are perfect complements while the right angle just gives the clue!!!!

  7. Ok, i agree, it is the 'L-shape', which gave me the answer; but atleast i have it correct. Phew!! ;)

  8. Hahhahaa... Gaurav You aren't bad with it. It's just that your mind has tuned itself to think on the more complicated lines.
    Jalnidh, Good one! I love the simplicity here again.

  9. GUYS!!!! It's not the perfect complememts indifference curves! We are so mistaken... the downward sloping strainght lines are of perfect substitutes.
    I guess we could do with some revision again!
