Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The magic of Christmas is with us...

When I was a kid, I was never the sorts to believe in the existence of Santa Claus. I knew my parents were the Santa Clauses… but nonetheless I was always excited to find my box of chocolates under my pillow. I always looked forward to walnut cakes, puddings and turkeys (yes, we do have them here) and just the noise and the buzz and of course the zillion TV shows during the time. December was always special.
Today, I have forgotten what it’s like to have the ‘family time’ at this season. It’s either with friends in some club or huddled in the room, under the blanket with lots of hot, crispy KFC chicken. I miss sitting idly with Mum in front of the numerous ‘Award Givings’ on the TV… it meant nothing but I just miss the sheer joy of being so secured.
These times have always got me security, warmth and love which is very rare once you get out of home in the big, bad World to make something out of yourself.
This festive season I would be away from home… probably with friends, partying some where, as we popularly call it, but what I have realized is as much as we are in denial, home would always be a secured place for us. We can never replicate it with anything else. In all my fifteen years away from home, I have realized that what we mean to our parents, we can never mean the same to anybody else.

This Christmas and New Year, I urge you guys to say a silent prayer with all your heart to all the people whom we take for granted and to the Almighty for giving us what many are deprived of… the warmth and security of a home, loving parents and the knowledge that no matter what, we have a place to go back to.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!!

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