Well, just felt like asking, no offence :p
Has been a long time since I posted, I might have forgotten how to write (:P). So, since I wanted this post to be ‘GOOD’, I thought of not experimenting, and sharing with the (not many) readers we have, a story my grand-mum told me when I was 7 or 8 yrs old.
“A king once, sat in discussion with his advisors.
He said to them, “When I’m happy, I fear a mishap might sadden me the very next moment. And when I’m upset, I wonder when next would I be glad. This mind-block allows me, neither to enjoy the former moments, nor to look for a solution to my problem in the latter. Can u think of a way to sort this out?”
His advisors pondered on the query, but could not come up with an immediate answer. The question, they admitted, wasn’t an easy one!
One of them came back to the king, the following day, and gifted him a ring. He said, ‘My Lord, I think this will work!’
The king looked down at the ring.
Its stone read ‘THIS TOO SHALL PASS’
He smiled. Not further an explanation did he need.”
I was confused when grand-mum finished, probably being too young to comprehend with the depth of what she was trying to explain to me. Sensing this, she followed it up by elucidating. She said.”Always remember, everything in life is a phase—fame, glory, sorrow, power, everything—they all begin, and as time passes, come to an end. Hence, never hold on to the idea, that life is static.”
Today when I think about it, this is how it comes to me- The phrase coined implies that knowing our hardships ‘shall pass’ gives us hope; knowing the happiest of times ‘shall pass’ helps us cherish them; and knowing that even the best of riches shall part someday, helps us to live life fully.
Simple and straight -It’s the day, and the dark, and then the day again! So, keep smiling (:D)
-Suhani :)
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